The population of a country is a blessing to her. But is becomes a curse when it grows very quickly and the people would not be productive. Bangladesh is a small country. Her population is too much to her area. So population problem of our country is the burning question of the day.
The causes of high arte of population growth in Bangladesh are many. Most of the people our country are ignorant. They do not know how to control the birth rate through family planning. For this reason, they do not be eager of family planning. Most of the boys and girls of our country get married before they become matured. This early marriage is a special cause of high rate of population growth.
If our population grows at a high rate our country will have to face a great problem. This will affect the economic development and progress of the country. The country would not be able to give proper food, clothes, residence, educational facilities, medical facilities and other basic necessaries of life to this increasing people. Unemployment problem is a great problem of our country. Again, this population problem causes serious traffic jam everyday. This traffic jam destroys much of our time. So the over population is a great threat for our country.
To cheek the rapid growth of population some measures can be taken. Firstly, the high birth rate of population has to be checked through the family planning. Secondly, we have to make campaign to educate mass people. It will help them to understand the value of family planning and the problem of over population. Thirdly, early marriages have to be stopped by government law. People have to be aware about this. Lastly, various encouraging programmers should be taken to make the people cage to stop the high growth rate of population.
Population problem is, indeed, a great problem of our country. So, we all should take proper steps to cheek the growth of population.
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