They have different religions. The religions of the people are Islam, the Hinduism, the Christianity and the Budhaism. Bangladesh is a land of natural beauties. She has some nice tourist spots. These are Cox’s Bazar, Barerhat, the Sundarbans, The National Memorial at Savar, paharpur in Dinajpur. Dhaka is the capital of our Country.
Friday, 18 November 2011
Info bd
A land of rich customs and traditions: Bangladesh is a land of over population. More than 16 crore people live here. Most of them are Muslims. The others are Hindus, Buddhists and Christians. People of all communities live here with peace and amity, The state language of the country is Bangla. There are also a number of tribal dialecs. The national dress for men is payjama and Punjabi and for women, sari, But the educated people wear trousers and shirts and young women salwar and kamiz. Most people wear lungi and shirt.
Shaheed Day
The 21st February is a red letter day in our national life. Every year on this very day the whole nation comes to the marty’s monument and the ritual seems to effect purification of souls.
Facts of the day : On this day in 1952, the brave sons of ‘Mother Bengal’ laid down their lives to protect the interest of the mother language. After the birth of Pakistan the ruler of the west Pakistan wanted to impose ‘Urdu’ on the Bengali speaking people as state language of Pakistan . But everybody, especially the student of the then East Pakistan demanded Bengali as the state Language. As a result the Language Movement took place and on 21st February, 1952 Rafiq, Salam, Barkat, Zabbar, Shafiq, and so on sacrificed their lives. Many were injured and hundreds were arrested.
How observed: Thee are millions of marty’s monument in our country. Every year on this day people come to these monuments and offer their respect to the marty’s. The government, different organizations and institutions arrange programmers to celebrate the day, Beside, according to a singular decision of the UNESCO on now. 17, 1999, this day is now the International Mother Language day. The 1st International Mother Language Day has been observed all over the world with due respect in 2000. On this day in a message UN Secretary General Kofi Anan said, ‘‘This day will help to raise wariness among the nations of the world about the enduring value of their languages.”
Influence of the day: This day possesses a great influence for the whole nation as it did in the past. The will go on in the future too. In fact, this movement influenced and led the nation to its liberation. However, yet we find inspiration from the dreamy blue of the movement.
Conclusion: Our language movement on 21st February is a unique event in the history of human civilization. We are really glorified by the declaration of the UNESCO that turned a national celebration to an international event. We are proud of our language marty’s.
Fruits of bd
Kinds of Bangladeshi fruits: Bangladesh produces many kinds of fruits. These are different in size, taste and colour. Some are big and some are small. Some taste sweet and some are sour. Again the fruits may be classified as summer fruits, winter fruits and fruits in all seasons. The most common fruits of Bangladesh are mangoes, jack-fruits, bananas, coconuts, pine-apples etc.
Mango: The mango is a summer fruits. It is called the kind of fruits. There are many kinds of mangoes. They are Fazli, Langra, Gopalbhog, Mohonbhog etc. They are famous for their taste and flavour. Mango grows in plenty in Rajshahi, Chapi, Nowabgonj and Bogra.
Jack-fruit : Jack-fruit is the biggest of all fruits in size. Ii is called the national fruit of Bangladesh . It is delicious and sweet. It grows largely in the districts of Dhaka, Mymensingh and Chittagong .
Banana: Banana grows almost everywhere of the country. It grows all the year round. It is sweet and beautiful. The Sabri and the Sagar are the best banana.
Coconut: The green coconut is a delicious food. It grows in all seasons. It grows in plenty in the coastal districts. The water of the green coconut is a good drink. The ripe coconuts give us both food and oil.
Pinc-apple: Pine-apple is a juicy and fleshy fruit. It grows well in the districts of Sylhet Chittagong hiltracts.
Some other fruits : There are many other fruits in Bangladesh Among them papaws, lichis, black-berries, dates, melons, wood-apples, guava, lemons etc, are remarkable. These fruits are both nutritious and tasty.
Importance o fruit : Fruits are good food. They are rich in food value. They contain a lot of vitamin and mineral salts. We can also earn much foreign money by exporting them to other countries.
Fruits play an important role in our life. So we should grow more fruits.Rivers of bd
Role of rivers on economy : The rivers of Bangladesh play an important role in the economy of the country. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Her agriculture mainly depends on these rivers. The rivers carry enough silt and make the soil fertile. So jute, paddy, wheat and other valuable crops grow in plenty. The river as good water-ways . Boats, launches and steamers ply on them in all seasons. The rivers also help us in trade and commerce.
Role as a source of wealth: Our rivers are a great source of wealth. They provide us fish. A large bulk of fish conies from these rivers. Many people earn their living by catching fish in the rivers.
Influence of rivers on our life: The rivers greatly influence our life in many ways. The people of Bangladesh love the rivers. Most of the rural songs such as the Shari , Bhatiali and Murshidi are the expressions of the peoples love for the rivers. Much of our joys and sorrows depend on the rivers.
Role as a souree of power : Our rivers are also the great source of power and electricity. Some of the rivers are used to produce electricity. The electricity problem of the country.
Demerits: The rivers are not free from demerits. Sometimes they overflow their banks and cause floods. The floods very often bring us untold miseries and misfortunes. The rivers of Bangladesh do more good than harm. They are the source of our existence and prosperity. If there were no rivers in Bangladesh , Bangladesh would have become a desert. So, rivers are the blessings of Bangladesh .
Tree plantation
“Give back the forest, take your town”, says Rabindranath Tagore. By these lines he tries to convince us about the importance of trees. Tree plantation means planting trees more and. It is not possible to lead a happy and peaceful life without trees.
Land in the upper valley of a river are more suitable for the growth and development of forest. But Bangladesh is a lower riparian country. For this reason, we have no rich forest resources. Our forest resources constitute with the forest of Bhawal , Madhupur, Chittagong Hill Tracts and famous Sundarbans.
Some people inconsiderately cut down trees everywhere. They do not think that the destruction of forests can destroy the environmental system. For this, Bangladesh is going to be turned into a desert. At this, we may face problems of flood, soil erosion, drought etc. It is a great threat to our environment.
Trees play an important role in our daily life. In order to live we need oxygen. Trees give us that oxygen. They give us foods and fruits. They also provide us shelter. We get timber from trees and without timber we cannot make our houses, furnitures, boats, launches, ships etc. If trees are planted on the banks of rivers and sea-shores, soil, erosion can be prevented. They also prevent air pollution. Trees protect the country from the harmful green house effect.
To preserve our environment we should plan more and more tree. Tree plantation programmed should be expanded to the remote corner of the country. The officers connected with this programmed should take proper steps and needful measures to make it success. Government should take necessary steps to make the people interested in planting trees.
Trees are part and parcel of our life. The necessity of trees and the importance of tree plantation cannot be ignored in any way. So it is our bounden duty to plant trees and take care of them.Birds of bd
There are different types of birds in our country. They different in colour, size and habit. On their habit and activities they are also classified as teasing birds tailor birds, singing birds, birds of prey, talking birds, domestic birds, nocturnal birds.
The crow is a teasing is a teasing bird. It is a very common bird of our country. It looks ugly. It lives on dirty things. The kite is also of the same nature.
The swallow, the babui and the tuntuni are the tailor birds. They are called so because they build their nests with great skill like an experienced tailor.
The cuckoo, the shyama, the doel, the kocl, the nightingale etc. are known as singing birds. The cuckoo is the most popular among them. The doel is our national bird.
The vulture, the hawk, the kite etc. are birds of prey. They have keen eyes and sharp nails. They live on fish and flesh.
The parrot, the mayna and the shalik are the talking birds. If they are trained, they can talk a man. Many people tame them.
The very common domestic birds are the hen, the duck, the pigeon etc. we get flesh and egg from them.
Besides our native birds many birds come to our land during autumn and winter from other countries. They flock in lakes and beels and go back after winter.
Some birds are nocturnal. The owl and the bat are such type of birds. They only come out at night. So people can hardly see them. They mainly live on ripe fruits.
Birds are our natural wealth. They may be friend to the friendless. They also eat harmful worms and insects which destroy our crops. Some birds eat up dirty things and clean nature. They also amuse us with their sweet songs.
Birds are beautiful creation of Allah. So we should be kind to them and save them from unnecessary killing.
Flood in bd
Flood is a natural calamity. It is an annual affair in Bangladesh . Bangladesh suffers from flood almost every year. Due to excessive rainfall or any other cause when rivers and canals overflow their banks and makes a huge loss to crops and property, then it is called flood.
The causes of flood are many. It is mainly caused by heavy showers of rain. It may be caused by cyclones, tidal bores or melting of snow on mountains.
Flood causes a big loss of our life, property and crops. It washes away villages, roads and even peoples houses. Many human lives are lost. All the communication system is suspended. People become homeless. They take shelter on the high roads, school and colleges. The after effects of flood are more dangerous. After flood epidemic and famine break out. The areas affected by flood become muddy and unhealthy. There is scarcity of drinking water. The price of all daily necessities goes up. Relief should be given properly to the flood affected people. They should be rehabilitated. Easy loans and seeds should be given to them.
The last two consequent floods in 2007 were very terrible. The floods caused a great havoc. It took a heavy toll of lives. Many people become homeless, many cattle died and huge properties were damaged.
Floods do some good to us. It makes out lands fertile by depositing silt. It washes filth and dirt.
It is urgently necessary to take proper steps for the control of flood in our country. Both long and short term plans can be taken. The silted up beds of our rivers should be excavated for carrying more water. Proper embankments should be constructed along the banks of the rivers.
Flood causes a huge loss to our country every year. So we must control flood at any codt.
Disasters in bd
Natural calamity is a natural event which has an adverse socio-economic impact on the whole environment. In recent years, they have become more frequent because of the climate change over the world. That is why they are now being addressed as a global problem.
Natural disasters are very common in Bangladesh due to her peculiar geography. The funnel shapped coast helps cyclones which are formed in the Bay of Bengal to land in Bangladesh . Again, heavy rainfall, tidal bores, melting of snow of the Himalayas causes floods here. Global warming is another factor in causing natural calamities; Natural calamities cause maximum damage in Bangladesh . This is because of the low flat land, high density of population. Poorly built houses and also lack of drastic plans.
Natural disaster causes heavy losses in our country. Many people are killed and many other become homeless. The havoc also includes death of cattle, widespread destruction of houses, uprooting of trees, damage of crops, roads and structures. Shortly after the disaster, many diseases break out and communication system is suspended causing untold sufferings to people.
Being a natural phenomenon, it is not possible to prevent natural disasters. We can take some protective measures to lessen the sufferings of the victims. Both long and short term plans can be taken. Govt. must take projects for forestation. In addition, warning and preparatory measures have to be improved. Finally we should raise awareness in people to protect our lives and properties from the tremendous attack of natural calamities.
Natural calamities cause huge loss to our country every year. However, the effect of those may be mitigated with the combined efforts of both the Govt. and the mass people.
Spring in bd
Spring is the last season in the cycle of season. It is rich in colour, beauty, music and fragrance. Summer represents the scorching sun, hot days and sweltering nights. Rainy season is damp and humid. The winter, on the other hand, is dull. But the spring has none of the disadvantages of these seasons. It captivates the hearts of people coming after winter.
Nature becomes lively with the advent of spring. Every object of nature becomes fresh. Trees put froth new leaves. Flowers bloom in thousands. The fine display of colour and fragrance they present is marvelous.
A gentle breeze from the south begins to blow as soon as spring appears. It spreads the sweet smell of flowers and makes the air fragrant. It produces a sweet rustling sound of the leaves. Birds twitter in the branches of trees. And the cuckoo’s coo turns the world into almost a fairy place.
Sights and sounds of spring exercise a great influence on the people of Bangladesh . The beauty and grandeur of spring make people forget the dull winter days and prepare for the hard and toilsome days of summer.
All beauties in this world are short-lived. Hence the spring comes and goes almost in the twinkling of eyes. It’s duration is so short that it disappears before we have just begun to realize its charm. Perhaps this is why people like it best.
Population problem
The population of a country is a blessing to her. But is becomes a curse when it grows very quickly and the people would not be productive. Bangladesh is a small country. Her population is too much to her area. So population problem of our country is the burning question of the day.
The causes of high arte of population growth in Bangladesh are many. Most of the people our country are ignorant. They do not know how to control the birth rate through family planning. For this reason, they do not be eager of family planning. Most of the boys and girls of our country get married before they become matured. This early marriage is a special cause of high rate of population growth.
If our population grows at a high rate our country will have to face a great problem. This will affect the economic development and progress of the country. The country would not be able to give proper food, clothes, residence, educational facilities, medical facilities and other basic necessaries of life to this increasing people. Unemployment problem is a great problem of our country. Again, this population problem causes serious traffic jam everyday. This traffic jam destroys much of our time. So the over population is a great threat for our country.
To cheek the rapid growth of population some measures can be taken. Firstly, the high birth rate of population has to be checked through the family planning. Secondly, we have to make campaign to educate mass people. It will help them to understand the value of family planning and the problem of over population. Thirdly, early marriages have to be stopped by government law. People have to be aware about this. Lastly, various encouraging programmers should be taken to make the people cage to stop the high growth rate of population.
Population problem is, indeed, a great problem of our country. So, we all should take proper steps to cheek the growth of population.
Monday, 14 November 2011
rainy season
There are six season in Bangladesh . The rainy season is the second season of them. The Bengali months––‘Ashar’ and ‘Shraban’ are called the rainy season. Sometimes it begins earlier and lasts longer. Of all seasons I like the rainy most.
The rainy season is caused by monsoon. The south-west monsoon that blows from the Bay of Bengal over Bangladesh brings much vapor. It receives a heavy rainfall and since them rainy season occurs in Bangladesh .
During the rainy season the sky remains cloudy. Sometimes the sun is not seen. During this time it rains cats and dogs. Sometimes it rains for days together it rains for days for days together. Roads become muddy. Rivers, canals and ponds are filled with water. They overflow their banks. Fields go under water.
The rainy season is surely a blessing for our country. Bangladesh is an agricultural country and most of the crops are dependent on the rain water. Current of rain water makes our soil fertile. It washes away the filth and dirt from the earth’s surface. Men can easily go from one place to another by boat.
The rainy season is not blessing for us all the times. In the rainy season the roads become muddy and slippery. The poor and the day labored suffer much. They cannot go our of doors for work. Cattle have to suffer much. Various diseases like cholera, typhoid, and dysentery break out. Sometimes there are floods and it washes away our crops and houses.
Though the rainy season has its demerits, it is blessing to the economy of our country and the prosperity of our people. It helps the nature to gain a new life. We always welcome this season and enjoy its beauty.Cricket bd
The game of cricket is originally an English game; England is the real home of this game. It is very interesting but costly. Only a few years ago football was the most popular game of the Bangladesh . But in the recent years the game of cricket dethroned it. Now, it is played all over the world.
Generally the cricket ground is a circle. Two wooden bats, a ball, tow sets of wickets and stamps are needed to play this game. The wickets are pitched in the middle of the field at a distance of 22 yards. Each team consists of eleven players. They are classified as batsman, bowler, all rounder and wicket keeper. The contest may be five-day test matches or one day matches. There are also three-day or four-day league matches. The more scoring side is declared the winner.
Cricket has come to our country during the British rule. But for a long time it could not attract much people. Now man’s attention all over the country is seen to be fixed on the game of cricket, crossing the barrier of I.C.C tournament and world cup. Bangladesh is now one of the test playing countries of the country are now regarded as suitable international venue for cricket.
People from all walks possess a keen interest over cricket all over the country. The Govt. and the concerned authority are trying their best to improve cricket. New Cricket stadiums are being built. Special training arrangements for the players are now available. In fact, possible everything is being done for the improvement of cricket here. So, we can hope for a better future. We dream Bangladesh to be the best cricket playing country of the world.
Cricket is a game of excitement, a game of suspense. It is side to be “a game of golden uncertainty.” It creates interest among the players and spectators. This game teaches us obedience, co-operation and discipline. Interested people should think of the game to develop its position world wide.Cox's Bazar
Cox's Bazar is careful as the fastest coast in the world, with a total of 121 kilometer length sea beach. The beach is situated in the south separation of Bangladesh , also known as the Cox's Bazar region. The name Cox's Bazar was original from its founder, head Cox. He founded the very beautiful beach in 1798. The Cox's Bazar beach started only as a small port and health resort.
Though the beach is careful to be the fastest beach in the world, it has been the least packed with the other beaches. Here, company can enjoy the relaxing waft of the sea and the nonviolence of the place. The climate here is always in a good state so people can visit here anytime of the year.
The Cox's beach bazar absolutely has the premium free time it can offer to each of its company. People can take a timely stroll along the prolonged make longer of the beach and enjoy the view of the astonishing view. Company can also enjoy water sport behavior like scuba headfirst, surfing, and try some ship rides.
The beach is well respected throughout sunsets and dawn, where people can observer the sea as it changes its colors two times in a day. There are also establishments about the beach where company can shop for fine handmade clothing, shoes, dresses, and other think showpieces. Cox's Beach Bazar also offers the premium foods. There are restaurants roughly the area offering the premium foods for its visitors.
Cox's Beach Bazar in fact is the place best optional for people who seek for serene and soothing holiday. Every Cox's Beach Bazar trip will surely please and please everybody who visits here.
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